5 Simple Ways to Prioritise Family Time in a Busy Schedule

5 Simple Ways to Prioritise Family Time in a Busy Schedule

 In today's fast-paced world, it can be easy to let family time slip through the cracks. Between work, school, and various commitments, finding quality time to spend with your loved ones might seem like a challenge. However, family time is essential for fostering strong relationships, creating memories, and ensuring everyone feels valued and connected.

Here are 5 simple yet effective ways to make family time a priority, no matter how hectic life gets.

1. Schedule Family Time Like Any Other Important Appointment

Why It Matters: Scheduling family time sends a powerful message—it shows that spending time with your loved ones is just as important as any work meeting or appointment.

When you consistently carve out time for family, it reinforces that these moments are a priority in your life. Over time, this intentionality builds stronger bonds and a deeper sense of connection within the family.

Moreover, having family time on the calendar ensures that it doesn’t get lost in the shuffle of daily responsibilities, making it a consistent part of your routine.

In a world where time is often stretched thin, setting aside dedicated moments for family helps everyone feel valued and understood, which is essential for maintaining healthy relationships.

How to Do It:

  • Block Out Time: Dedicate specific times during the week solely for family activities. This could be an hour in the evenings, a Saturday morning, or even a full day over the weekend.
  • Commit to It: Once you’ve set this time, treat it with the same importance as any other obligation. Don’t let other tasks or distractions take its place.

Tip: Use a family calendar—whether it’s a physical one on the wall or a shared digital version—so everyone knows when family time is scheduled.

2. Establish Daily or Weekly Traditions

Why It Matters: Traditions are more than just routine activities; they serve as anchors in a family’s life, providing stability, predictability, and something to look forward to. In the midst of a busy and often chaotic schedule, these rituals create a sense of continuity and security for both children and adults.

They help you create better work-family balance, allowing family members to reconnect and recharge emotionally.

Over time, these consistent practices become cherished memories that can be passed down through generations, contributing to a sense of family identity and unity.

How to Do It:

  • Daily Rituals: Incorporate small daily routines, like sharing breakfast together, reading a bedtime story, or taking a quick walk after dinner. These moments can become cherished parts of your day.
  • Weekly Traditions: Set up a weekly event, such as a Friday night movie, a Sunday roast, or a Saturday morning pancake breakfast. These regular traditions help reinforce a sense of togetherness and anticipation.

Tip: Allow everyone in the family to have input on these traditions, so they feel invested and excited about the activities.

3. Make the Most of Everyday Moments

Why It Matters: Not every moment with your family needs to be a grand event. In fact, the small, everyday interactions often have the most significant impact on your relationships.

By seizing these ordinary moments—whether it’s during a car ride, while preparing dinner, or even doing chores together—you transform routine activities into opportunities for connection.

This approach teaches children the importance of valuing time spent together, regardless of the setting. It also demonstrates that love and attention don’t have to be confined to “special” occasions.

These micro-moments of connection contribute to a strong family bond and help build a supportive and loving environment, where everyone feels involved and appreciated.

How to Do It:

  • Involve Your Kids in Chores: Turn mundane tasks like cooking, gardening, or tidying up into opportunities to spend time together. Not only do you get things done, but you also create a sense of teamwork.
  • Maximise Travel Time: Whether it’s the school run or a trip to the shops, use travel time as an opportunity to chat, play games, or listen to music together. These little interactions can strengthen your connection.

Tip: Practise mindfulness during these moments, making an effort to be present and engaged rather than distracted or rushed.

4. Unplug and Be Present

Why It Matters: In a world dominated by screens and constant connectivity, it’s easy to be physically present but mentally absent. Unplugging from technology during family time allows for deeper, more meaningful interactions.

When you put away your phone or turn off the TV, you can fully engage with your family, listen actively, and connect on a more personal level.

This practice not only improves communication but also teaches children the value of real-world relationships over virtual ones. Being present fosters an environment where everyone feels heard, respected, and valued, which is crucial for emotional well-being.

Moreover, these tech-free moments provide a much-needed break from the distractions of everyday life, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—your family.

How to Do It:

  • Set Boundaries: Designate certain times or areas in your home as tech-free zones. This could be during meals, an hour before bedtime, or during your23e3
  • Be Fully Present: When you’re with your family, try to avoid distractions. Put away phones, turn off the TV, and focus on the people in front of you. Engage in activities that encourage conversation and connection.

Tip: Lead by example—when your children see you prioritising family time over screen time, they’re more likely to follow suit.

5. Plan Family Outings and Adventures

Why It Matters: Family outings offer more than just a break from the usual routine—they create opportunities for shared experiences that strengthen bonds and have incredible benefits for kids

Whether it’s a simple picnic in the park or an exciting day trip, these outings allow everyone to step away from their individual concerns and focus on enjoying each other’s company.

These shared adventures also create lasting memories that reinforce family identity and tradition. Additionally, planning and participating in these outings together encourages teamwork and communication, helping family members develop a deeper understanding of one another.

By making these outings a regular part of your family life, you ensure that quality time remains a priority, providing a balance between responsibilities and relationships that enriches your family’s emotional and social well-being.

How to Do It:

  • Plan Ahead: Regularly schedule outings, whether it’s a visit to the park, a day trip to the beach, or exploring a new place in your town. Planning ahead ensures these outings happen, even with busy schedules.
  • Let Everyone Contribute: Rotate who gets to choose the activity or destination. This way, everyone gets a chance to do something they love, making the outing more enjoyable for all.

Tip: Remember, family outings don’t have to be expensive or elaborate. Sometimes, the simplest activities, like a picnic or a nature walk, can be the most meaningful.

By intentionally incorporating these strategies into your life, you can ensure that family time remains a priority, no matter how busy your schedule gets. The effort you put into making time for your loved ones will pay off in stronger, more connected relationships and a happier, more harmonious family life.

Photos from www.pexels.com.


  1. https://theinnacircle.com/blog/time-management-for-busy-parents/
  2. https://decade2connect.org/a-parents-guide-to-prioritizing-family-time/
  3. https://www.betterup.com/blog/quality-time-with-family
  4. https://www.betterup.com/blog/family-goals
  5. https://fastercapital.com/topics/prioritizing-family-time.htm



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